It's been a looooooooooong time since I've posted to this blog. Looking at it, it's been over a year. Obviously I am not the blogger I thought I was going to be when we had our little girl. But today I feel the need to put this out there....
I, like you are probably, am watching the news out of Boston. The manhunt for "Suspect #2" is ongoing and the country is watching. Live. This is pretty new to all of us. We can watch 24 hour news coverage, read Twitter, Facebook, text with friends, etc. to be our own armchair journalists. Scary if you think about it. Anyhow....
After Monday's bombings at the Boston Marathon, a single acquaintance of mine who does not have any kids asked me "why would anyone want to bring kids into this crazy world"? Now, I have my 20 month old Pumpkin and a son on the way due July 12th. I did not respond in anger or defense but simply stated that I can't wait to raise kids in this world. Why? Because my kids, our kids, CAN make a difference. We can use this evil that we are seeing today and raise our kids up in loving, caring and nurturing homes. We can teach our kids to love those that may be a little (or a lot) different that we are. To take care of those that need it, and those that don't. Sure, there will always be violence and bad people in America and around the world. But if we can raise up our kids to know right from wrong and good vs. evil then this country just might stand a chance to be the proud country that it always has been. Agree?