Friday, December 9, 2011

Ah, December

Hello again. Been a fact, been a LONG while. Since September. You see, I've got a baby now and a tired wife. Ye ole blog is not on the tops of the charts these days. I miss it. It's fun for me and maybe for you too?

Anyway, here we are in December. Where did summer, fall and football season go? Oh yeah, to the diaper pail, to sleeping whenever I can and to falling completely in love with a five month old girl.

What's changed? If you are a parent, you know. The Bride and I have been more of business partners lately than lovers. That's OK. The little one takes a lot of energy, time and decision making. They don't give you a manual at the hospital or let a nurse come home with you. We've been learning as we go. The baby is at daycare three days a week, with my mom (Gram) one day and the Bride has off every Friday. I was not, and am not still, OK with the thought of my baby at daycare. Each to their own, I am not judging you by any means, just not what I wanted for our baby's first few years. But, I guess it is going as well as can be.

Thanksgiving came and went. I think all we needed to do was to get our baby to each grandparent's house and then we could have left for two days. We don't matter any more. Only our girl. That's fine, I got to watch even more football than normal! :)

Christmas is coming up. I LOVE Christmas. Always have, always will. It's really the only time of the year left that people are very intentional about seeing and speaking to each other. I am sure your calendar, especially weekend calendar, is full of parties, get togethers and that dreaded work party that you feel like "I should make an appearance". Urgh.

I hope that the holiday finds you well and that you and yours are truly blessed. Merry Christmas is what I will say but have a wonderful holiday whatever celebration you find yourself having.


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