Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sittin, waitin, wishin

Any Jack Johnson fans out there? I was sittin, waiting, wishin he sings in one of his songs. That is what I/we are doing right now. Our due date (or HER due date as many people refer to it) is next Sunday, the 26th! The Bride's belly looks like it's got a whole watermellon tucked into it with no room for anything else. The little girl says hello often with a punch, kick or whatever she is doing in there. Thursday was our 5th anniversary. As we said goodnight, we were both a little thankful that she did not come on that day. We want our anniversary for our day and our little girl's birthday to be her special day. Then the wife said "I just want ONE more Saturday to do nothing. Sleep in, eat at my own pace, get whatever we want whenever we want for dinner." It's early afternoon, but so far it's looking like that is going to happen. Who knows what the next few days or even weeks brings? Whether it's tonight or two weeks from now or any day in between, I am ready. So for now, I'm sittin, waiting, wishin....

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